May 24Liked by Michael Magoon

Crazy that I subscribed at the start, I had no idea given your website history. The lower velocity of posts is welcome, if anything. There were some weekends where I was wondering how you were cranking out 2-3 articles per day.

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May 24·edited May 24Author

Lots of caffeine!

In full disclosure, quite a few of the articles were largely excerpts from my books.

And thanks so much for sticking with me. I do remember when you first subscribed. That was when I was excited to just get one subscriber every few days.

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May 23Liked by Michael Magoon

Thanks for the feedback on feedback. :-)

Posting less frequently this summer works for me, as I dropped behind reading them all while on vacation, but I have saved a set for later review.

I suspect some time reviewing your 200+ book reviews may also prove useful/ helpful in either buying more books, avoiding some, and getting enough of their gist to pass on an additional purchase.

Never enough hours in the day, week, or year. Just amazing how quickly the weeks and months are flying by right now!

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I had no idea that you’ve only been on Substack for a year! It’s been great to see your posts in my feed regularly, even long before I subscribed to you. It’s so important to take a longer view of progress and celebrate the incredible achievements of our civilization! I might just have to pick up one of your books this summer!

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Thanks so much for the positive feedback. Glad that you find my Substack column useful. And enjoy the books!

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