The GDP per capita chart shows Egypt keeping up with the growth rate of China from 1990 through 2010. Since that was a period of very rapid economic development for China, that seems fishy.

Also, I noticed a typo. You say that the Nile is the longer river of the Earth. Simply a typo.

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Type corrected. Good catch.

Yes, I agree with you on the graphic. There is no way Egypt and China had the same per capita GDP growth after 1990. Our World in Data must have made a mistake somewhere. A mislabel, perhaps? I downloaded the table from their website and did not change it in any way...

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Further thought. I know how incredibly difficult it is to gather information on an economy even in the developed world. I am automatically suspicious of figures from the undeveloped world. Another thing I found suspicious about the chart was the flatlining of growth in the Egyptian economy from 2010 to 2020. There's been political upheaval in Egypt, but I know of nothing that could have derailed that economy so dramatically.

It never crossed my mind that you had altered that graph.

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I agree that it's hell on Earth having to rely on tables. So many mistakes are made by others in gathering and presenting economic information, and the consumer has no way of independently confirming that information.

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